Curriculum vitae

Owen Gary-Dennis Ekblad
PhD Candidate
Michigan State University Department of Mathematics
619 Red Cedar Road, East Lansing, Michigan, 48824


 University of Michigan - Dearborn, Dearborn, Michigan, USA
Bachelor of Arts with high distinction, Mathematics, 2016-2020.
GPA: 4.0/4.0.

 Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, USA
Ph.D, Mathematics, 2020-present. (Advisor: Prof. Jeffrey Schenker.)

Research Interests

Mathematical physics, probability theory, open quantum systems, random dynamical systems



 Research at MSU

  Graduate research assistant,
Funded by Prof. Jeffrey Schenker*.
Spring semester 2024.

  Graduate research assistant,
Funded by Prof. Jeffrey Schenker*.
Summer semester 2024.

  Graduate research assistant,
Funded jointly by Prof. Jeffrey Schenker* and the College of Natural Science.
Spring semester 2024.

  Graduate research assistant,
Funded by Prof. Jeffrey Schenker*.
Fall semester 2023.

  Graduate research assistant,
Funded by Prof. Jeffrey Schenker*.
Summer semester 2023.

*under NSF Grant No. 2153946.

 Teaching at MSU

Graduate teaching assistant, MTH 828 - Graduate real analysis I.
Qualifying exam course. Entails grading and weekly qual-prep recitations.
Fall semester 2024.

Graduate teaching assistant, MTH 317H - Honors Linear Algebra.
Weekly recitations and grading. Proof-based course.
Spring semester 2024.

Graduate teaching assistant, MTH 829 - Graduate complex analysis I.
Qualifying exam course. Graded and hosted twice-weekly qual-prep recitations.
Spring semester 2023.

Graduate teaching excluded assistant, MTH 102 - Quantitative literacy II.
Solely a course and curricular development devoted position.
Fall semester 2022.

Lead TA,
Led a group of three undergraduate learning assistants in weekly recitation-preparation sessions.
Spring semester 2022.

Graduate teaching assistant, MTH 102 - Quantitative literacy II.
Administrative work, office hours, recitations, and course development.
Spring 2021 - Spring semester 2022 (incl. summer semesters).

Instructor, MTH 103 - College algebra I.
Served as an instructor in the three-week bridge to college TRIO SSS summer program.
Summers of 2021 and 2022.

Honors and awards

Research Enhancement Award,
$1,000, The Graduate School, Michigan State University, Summer 2024.

Herbert T. Graham Scholarship,
$2,125, Department of Mathematics, Michigan State University, Spring 2024.

Outstanding Scholar Fellowship,
$7,500, College of Natural Science, Michigan State University, Spring 2024

Department of Mathematics Recruiting Fellowship,
$6,500, Department of Mathematics, Michigan State University, Fall 2020.

Early Start Fellowship,
$6,000, College of Natural Science, Michigan State University, Summer 2020.

Mathematics Honors Scholar,
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Michigan - Dearborn, 2020.
Top graduating math major.

Chancellor's Scholarship,
Full tuition scholarship, University of Michigan - Dearborn, 2016-2020.

Talks and other presentations
Invited Talks

 Spectral properties of randomized open quantum dynamics
Quasi-periodic and disordered systems special session,
AMS 2024 Fall Central Sectional Meeting,
University of Texas, San Antonio, Sept. 2024.

 A framework for studying randomized open quantum dynamics (slides here),
Quantum Lunch (QLunch),
QMATH, University of Copenhagen, Jun. 2024.

 Asymptotic purification of disordered quantum trajectories
Spectral theory and quantum systems special session,
AMS 2024 Spring Eastern Sectional Meeting,
Howard University, Apr. 2024.

Contributed Conference Talks and Other Presentations 

 Deterministic structures in randomized open quantum systems,
Operator algebras reading seminar,
Michigan State University, Oct. 2024.

 Random repeated quantum interactions,
Mathematical Physics and Operators Algebras seminar,
Michigan State University, Sept. 2024.

 Randomized open quantum dynamics via repeated interactions,
Early career workshop in mathematical physics,
Texas A&M, Sept. 2024.

 Fixed points of ergodic quantum processes,
Great Lakes Mathematical Physics Meeting (GLaMP),
Michigan State University, Jun. 2024.

 Spectral properties of some positive operators,
Operator algebras reading seminar,
Michigan State University, Apr. 2024.

 Disordered quantum Markov chains,
Operator algebras reading seminar,
Michigan State University, Nov. 2023.

 The modified Szpiro conjecture and elliptic curves
MAA general contributed paper session on number theory,  
Joint Mathematics Meeting, Denver, Colorado, USA, Jan. 2020.

 Minimal discriminants of rational elliptic curves with specified isogeny,
AMS contributed paper session on number theory,
Joint Mathematics Meeting, Denver, Colorado, USA, Jan. 2020.

 Minimal discriminants of rational elliptic curves with specified isogeny,
MAA undergraduate student poster session,
Joint Mathematics Meeting, Denver, Colorado, USA, Jan 2020.

 The modified Szpiro conjecture and elliptic curves,
MAA student paper sessions,
MAA MathFest, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA, Aug. 2019.

Organization and service

Co-organizer (with Ivan So), graduate student colloquium.
Michigan State University.
Fall semester 2023 - Spring semester 2024.

Co-organizer (with Aldo Garcia Guinto),  C* @ MSU.
Fall semester 2023.

Student representative, graduate studies committee.
Fall 2023 - Summer 2024.

OrganizerRMT @ MSU.
Ran as a for-credit graduate-level course and attended by 6 graduate students.
Faculty sponsor was Prof Brent Nelson.
Spring semester 2023.

Volunteer, ECOAS.
Fall 2022.

Graduate student panelist, PRiME.
Served on the graduate student panel for the Pomona Research in Mathematics Experience REU.
Summers of 2021 and 2022.

Vice president, AMS student chapter at MSU.
Fall 2021 - Summer 2022.

Co-organizer (with Ivan So), Student Algebra Seminar at MSU.
Fall 2021 - Summer 2022. 

Summer schools & other programs

TXST Summer School in Mathematical Physics
One-week summer school.
Texas State University, July 2023.

Séminaire de Mathématiques Supérieures 2023: Periodic and Ergodic Spectral Problems,
Two-week summer school.
University of Montreal, June 2023.

Pomona Research in Mathematics Experience (PRiME) REU,
Pomona College,  June 2019 - July 2019.