Owen Ekblad
Email: ekbladow@msu.edu
Office: C540 Wells Hall
I am a fifth-year PhD candidate in the department of mathematics at Michigan State University. I am a student of Professor Jeff Schenker. My research is in mathematical physics and disordered systems.
My Google Scholar and my ORCiD.
I am interested in the effect of disorder on mathematical models of physics, particularly on those that describe quantum mechanical phenomena.
Currently, I work on disordered open quantum systems. I study the theory of ergodic quantum processes (aka, repeated interaction quantum systems, aka, quantum collision models), which, mathematically, are certain linear cocycles with physically-relevant positivity properties. This formalism incorporates classical disorder into models of open quantum dynamics.
Reducibility Theory and Ergodic Theorems for Homogeneous Repeated Quantum Interactions, arxiv:2406.10982.
with J. Schenker.Asymptotic Purification of Quantum Trajectories under Disordered Generalized Measurements, arXiv:2404.03168.
with E. Moreno-Nadales, L. Pathirana, & J. Schenker.
In preparation
Spectral Properties and Mixing for Homogeneous Repeated Quantum Interactions, (in preparation).
with J. Schenker.Ergodic Theorems for Quantum Trajectories under Disordered Generalized Measurements, (in preparation).
with E. Moreno-Nadales & L. Pathirana.
My Google Scholar and my ORCiD.
Here are the seminars at MSU I have organized.
Graduate student colloquium
Initiated by myself, and co-organized with Ivan So, the graduate student colloquium was a venue in which graduate student mathematicians presented their research to other grad students, in general-audience style talks. The colloquium is concluded as of April 18, 2024. Maybe it will resume in the future. See more here.
C*-algebra theory, Fall semester 2023. Co-ran with Aldo Garcia Guinto. This seminar is concluded as of December 8, 2023.
Random matrix theory, Spring semester 2023. This seminar is concluded as of April 27, 2023. See more here.