Owen Ekblad

Email: ekbladow@msu.edu 

Office: C540 Wells Hall

I am a fifth-year PhD candidate in the department of mathematics at Michigan State University. I am a student of Professor Jeffrey Schenker. My research is in mathematical physics and disordered systems.


I am interested in the effect of noise on mathematical models of physics, particularly on those that describe quantum mechanical phenomena of interest for applications in quantum information theory. 

Currently, I work on disordered open quantum systems. I study the theory of ergodic quantum processes (aka, repeated interaction quantum systems, aka, quantum collision models). This formalism incorporates classical disorder into models of open quantum dynamics.


3. Ergodic Theorems for Quantum Trajectories under Disordered Generalized Measurements, arXiv:2501.18014,
with E. Moreno-Nadales & L. Pathirana.

2. Reducibility Theory and Ergodic Theorems for Homogeneous Repeated Quantum Interactions, arXiv:2406.10982,
with J. Schenker.

1. Asymptotic Purification of Quantum Trajectories under Disordered Generalized Measurements, arXiv:2404.03168,  
with E. Moreno-Nadales, L. Pathirana, & J. Schenker.

My Google Scholar and my ORCiD.